Disclaimer: Before purchasing a policy, you are responsible for reviewing the policy documents, coverage description, eligibility requirements, policy exclusions, and terms and conditions as outlined in any particular policy. Policy Wordings
Passenger Details
Main Contact Person
Note: Make sure the MAIN email address and mobile no. are correct. Notifications and POC will be sent to these contact information. Senior Citizen Surcharge: 66-75 Yrs Old = Premium * 1.5 76-80 Yrs Old = Premium * 2 If you have any question/s or clarification/s, Please do not hesitate to email us at customercare@alliedbankers.com.ph or call us at (02)8243-0075.
Payment Option
Pay Via Dragonpay
No card needed. You can pay to any Bayad Centers, Seven-Eleven (7/11), Over-the-Counter, Online-Banking, and Remittance Centers. Note: DragonPay charge an additional 20 Pesos as their service fee.
Pay Via GCash (DragonPay)
You can use your Gcash to pay your Travel Insurance. Get your insurance policy in minutes. Note: GCash charge an additional 2% of the total amount due + 10 Pesos as their service fee.
Pay Via PayPal (Debit/Credit Card)
You may use your Debit Card, Credit Card or Payment Account to pay your Travel Insurance. Note: PayPal charge an additional 4.4% of the total amount due + 15 Pesos as their service fee.